LORBEER Hats and Accessories

Legal Notice

Responsibility for the website

Bettina Weißhaar has responsibility for the content and graphic design of the websites under lorbeer-textildesign.de. You can reach me using the following contact:


B e t t i n a   W e i ß h a a r
H ü t e   u n d   A c c e s s o i r e s
B e r g s t r .  1 2
6 4 3 4 2    S e e h e i m - J u g e n h e i m
T e l :            0 1 5 2 / 0 4 4 1 3 0 1 1
E - M a i l :    I n f o @ L o r b e e r - T e x t i l d e s i g n . d e



My websites are for information only. I run no e-shop.

Disclaimer / Limitation of Liability



The contents of my website I have carefully worked out. However, I can not accept any liability for its accuracy, completeness and timeliness.

Data storage and data transmission over the internet can have security gaps. The data is not completely protected against access by third parties.


External Links

For my research my references to external websites (via links) were reputable and legally compliant at the time of linking. Nevertheless, I assume no liability for external sites. I have no control over the content. And a repeated control of these external links is not reasonable for me. I expressly dissociate myself hereby from the contents of external links. With knowledge of rights violations, however, I will delete such links immediately.

Privacy Policy

Through the Internet Service Provider (ISP) access-data on my website are stored. This is the sole responsibility of the ISP. The ISP provides customers with statistics about the website traffic (pages viewed, date, time, IP address, browser version).

Search engines (google) also store data.

If I have access to such data, I do not use them to identify or personally address visitors to my website. I do not pass on personal data, except to authorized authorities if a legitimate purpose requires this (e.g. to clarify a violation of the law).
My pages do not use 'cookies'.

To use my contact details or to use the contact details of other persons who are listed on my website, for commercial purposes is not allowed. I hereby object to any commercial use and transfer of such data.

© Copyright

The works shown on my web pages are copyrighted under the German copyright. My textile products are unique or small series and may not be copied.
Permitted and desired are references (links) to my websites. In individual cases, I reserve the right to revoke this permission.
Images from my website may not be used for public or commercial purposes, without my prior approval.

Coding (HTML, CSS, JS)

The coding of my internet pages was realized by Reinhard Saal: www.denksaal.de

This page is a translation from German. Please excuse errors in translation if necessary.



Legal notice